Christopher M. Viscomi, MDAssistant Professor Christopher M. Viscomi, MD RelatedPain ManagementPerioperative Pain Management in the Opioid-tolerant Elderly Patient: Case ChallengeJ. M. Fisher, MD; Joseph Fitzgerald ; Thor Hallingbye, MD; Jacob A. Martin, MDJournal Article6 Min ReadCase challenge on how to manage perioperative pain in an opioid-tolerant elderly patient. How would you treat this patient who is going to have total knee arthroplasty? Pain ManagementPerioperative Pain Management in the Opioid-tolerant Elderly Patient: Case ChallengeJ. M. Fisher, MD; Joseph Fitzgerald ; Thor Hallingbye, MD; Jacob A. Martin, MDJournal Article6 Min ReadCase challenge on how to manage perioperative pain in an opioid-tolerant elderly patient. How would you treat this patient who is going to have total knee arthroplasty?